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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
  • URLs for references were provided where possible.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 10-point Arial font; uses italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); illustrations and tables are inserted throughout the text, have titles and authorship in 8 point Arial font.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the specific templates on the About the Journal page.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (Original Articles, Technical Communications and Review Articles), the available instructions were followed.

Author Guidelines

Articles must be submitted in their final version, electronically through the RBFM website. For this purpose, the main author must register and provide all the requested data. Authors must attach a file with a copy of the article in Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx) through the RBFM electronic submission system.

Papers in Portuguese, Spanish and English will be accepted, with minimum and maximum pages according to the type of article, and including Figures, Tables and References. The text must be written using Arial font, size 10. The interlines in all the text must be in the simple pattern and the alignment of the text must be justified on both sides. Do not insert blank lines between paragraphs. For articles written in Portuguese or Spanish, the terms cited in the text in English must be in italic format.

The work must be written in A4 paper format (21.0 x 29.7cm), with margins and spacing of the models. The page layout must comply with double-column formatting with width and spacing, according to this model, with the exception of the previous section (title/authorship and abstract/abstract), in which a single column must be used in formatting the page layout.

Original Article: Articles in areas or topics related to Medical Physics, which describe methods and results of original research that have not been published yet. Original articles must have at least 4 (four) pages and a maximum of 10 (ten) pages. A specific model for articles in the form of an Original Article is available at this link.

Technical Communication: Articles that constitute a way of disseminating solutions to problems of design, maintenance, experimental techniques and informatics applied to Medical Physics. Technical communications must have at least 2 (two) pages and a maximum of 4 (four) pages. A specific model for articles in the form of Technical Communication is available at this link.

Review Article: Articles in areas or topics related to the RBFM specialty, within a critical perspective, regarding a specific non-original theme, with a didactic approach or professional updating. The submission of a review article must be made following an invitation from the editorial board, or preceded by consultation and evaluation by the editors. Review articles must carry out a state-of-the-art analysis of the topic addressed inside and outside the country. Review articles must have at least 5 (five) pages and a maximum of 10 (ten) pages. A specific model for Review Article is available at this link.

Thesis or Dissertation Review: The abstracts of master's dissertations and doctoral theses defended and approved in postgraduate programs for a maximum of five years, and their respective abstracts may be published in RBFM for the purpose of dissemination to the Medical Physics community. Only abstracts related to the areas of interest of the RBFM will be published, according to the preliminary evaluation of the editorial commission. Only abstracts of dissertations/theses available in institutional repositories will be accepted. A specific template for presenting a Thesis or Dissertation Review is available at this link.

Grupo de Trabalho em Física Médica

Documentos técnicos elaborados por grupos de trabalho e apoiados pela Associação Brasileira de Física Médica.

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The names and addresses will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.