Segmentação de imagens PET para definição de volumes de tratamento em planejamento radioterápico


  • Alex Holanda de Oliveira Nova Esperança College, Brazil
  • Isabelle Lacerda Northeast Regional Center of Nuclear Science, National Nuclear Energy Commission, Recife, Brazil
  • Jefersson Araújo Nova Esperança College, Brazil



Cancer, Radiotherapy, Image processing, Positron Emission Tomography


According to the statistical projections of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute, the estimated incidence of cancer in Brazil is approximately 626,030 new cases in each year of 2020-2022. One of the main forms of cancer treatment is radiation therapy. The most suitable way to irradiate the tumor volume is determined on the radiotherapy planning, while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. The definition of the target volume is usually performed by manual delineation directly on a radiological image of the patient by the radiotherapist. This leads to a higher level of uncertainty since this segmentation method is subjective. This work aims to collaborate in the identification of more adequate segmentation methods for defining volumes in PET images. Segmentation methods were performed in IEC/NEMA phantom images using the ImageJ software. The evaluated methods were threshold, level sets and k-means clustering. The method that showed the most satisfactory results was the k-means clustering, being the automatic method recommended for segmentation of PET images. However, more research is needed to develop techniques that define more precisely the target volume in radiotherapy planning, mainly due to the high noise level and low spatial resolution of PET images.


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Author Biography

Isabelle Lacerda, Northeast Regional Center of Nuclear Science, National Nuclear Energy Commission, Recife, Brazil

Graduação em Tecnologia em Radiologia pelo Instituto Federal de Pernambuco - IFPE (2010), Mestrado (2013) e Doutorado (2017) pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Tecnologias Energéticas e Nucleares - UFPE. Atualmente é pesquisadora colaboradora da Divisão de Produção de Radiofármacos do Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN). Tem experiência na área de Engenharia Nuclear, com ênfase em Dosimetria e Instrumentação Nuclear, atuando, principalmente, nos seguintes temas: monitoração dosimétrica de indivíduos ocupacionalmente expostos e de pacientes submetidos a exames de medicina nuclear e desenvolvimento de modelos computacionais de exposição utilizando fantomas antropomórficos e métodos Monte Carlo.


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How to Cite

Holanda de Oliveira, A., Lacerda, I., & Araújo, J. (2023). Segmentação de imagens PET para definição de volumes de tratamento em planejamento radioterápico. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 17, 606.



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