Blood Glucose Detection Using 3-LEDs: Analytical Model
Blood Glucose; Photoplethysmography; NIR; 3-LED Modeling.Abstract
Calibration of non-invasive blood glucose measuring devices have an important role in the routine of people with diabetes. Continuous monitoring is one of the most efficient manner to control the disease. Besides the errors associated with the user, the calibration of such devices is the key point for obtaining reliable data. Researchers have failed to correlate the 2 near-infrared-light wavelength response from skin with the blood glucose level and then use it for diagnosing both upper and lower glycaemia status. The aim of this article is to purpose a mathematical model for calculating the blood glucose level using 3-LEDs with different wavelengths. It is presented and demonstrated all equations involved by using the theory of absorption of light by photoplethysmography. The final proposed equation can be calculated without using prior data obtained from patient. It can be concluded that it is possible to reduce the necessity of using calibration processes before acquiring data by a non-invasive device.
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