Blood pressure prediction through photoplethysmography signals using MLP and LSTM neural networks
photoplethysmography, machine learning, blood pressure, LSTMAbstract
Blood pressure is one of the basic vital signs of human beings and its measurement must be done regularly during the day by people who have some type of cardiovascular disease. Traditional methods of measurement usually need to occlude an artery, causing discomfort to the patient. This prevents continuous pressure monitoring and even discourages regular monitoring during the day. In view of this problem, in this work, two machine learning algorithms using photoplethysmography (PPG) signals are presented and compared to estimate blood pressure without the need for artery occlusion. The first algorithm implemented was a reproduction of the method proposed by Kurylyak et al., Which served as a reference for the development of the LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) network proposed in this work, which used the temporal characteristics of the PPG signal as parameters input. For the training of the algorithms, the MIMIC II database (Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care) was used. For the evaluation of these methods, statistical analyzes of the results obtained were carried out in relation to the blood pressure reference values, already defined in the databases. The results obtained indicate that the architecture based on the LSTM network using temporal characteristics of the PPG signal as an input parameter can produce better results when compared to the MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron) network.
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