Comparisons between nanoDot® dosimeters calibration methods
dosimeters, calibration, Optically Stimulated Luminescence, radiation therapyAbstract
Relative dosimeters are detectors that do not measure the absorbed dose directly, however, through a calibration process it is possible to relate the quantity measured to the dose. The nanoDot® dosimeters are relative dosimeters that work by optically stimulated luminescence process, therefore, the quantity measured in the readings of nanoDots®, that were exposed to radiation, is the number of photons emitted. The study aimed to compare three methodologies for nanoDot® dosimeters calibration and analyze two different adjustments (linear and polynomial) for the calibration. For this, different arrangements were used for the same set using a solid water simulator object, an Exradin A12 ionization chamber and the nanoDots® dosimeters. Two adjustments were applied to the calibration curves obtained for each methodology, a linear and a polynomial. In addition, the reproducibility of the measurements was calculated for methods B and C. The calibration factor obtained by the linear fit was (3,38 ± 0,08) x 10-3 cGy/counts, (3,51 ± 0,09) x 10-3 cGy/counts and (3,10 ± 0,04) x 10-3 cGy/counts for the methods A, B and C, respectively. The polynomial fit is the most adequate adjustment for the dosimeters calibration. The values obtained for the analysis of the reproducibility of the methodologies showed that the most reproducible was method C (2,29%), which is the most suitable for the calibration of nanoDots®.
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