National and International analysis of guidelines for diagnostic MR systems and health services' compliance with the Brazilian legislation




Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency; MRI safety.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems are widely used due to its diagnostic power. The risks associated with this technique justify the adequacy of specific norms that aim at the safety of both patients and MRI Technologists. This study provides a literature review and comparative analysis of the current Brazilian legislation and the existing recommendations in the USA (United States of America) and Europe, as well as identifying which guidelines are currently applied in health services and the impact of the new Brazilian standards on these services. A questionnaire was developed and applied to professionals working with clinical MRI diagnostic systems, with specific questions for each area of work. It was found that the main safety requirements are applied in most health services, however, several issues still do not receive the necessary attention. There is still the challenge of covering even more safety issues in national regulations, and an even greater challenge to make sure that the requirements are applied and fulfilled.



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How to Cite

Moreno Vidotto, M., Taverna Chaim, K. ., & Papoti, D. (2023). National and International analysis of guidelines for diagnostic MR systems and health services’ compliance with the Brazilian legislation. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 17, 669.



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