Uso do Método de Monte Carlo para caracterização adicional de materiais para aplicação em blindagem de fótons




diagnostic radiology, half-value layer, Geant4, shielding


X-rays shieldings are a fundamental part of radioprotection. The built of the transmission curves for a material used as shielding is important in defining the required shielding thickness. The main goal of this work is to develop a method to characterize new materials for photon shielding using the computation tool Geant4. The irradiated samples, called "Traço A”, “Traço B” and “Traço C", were produced at the Materials Resistance Laboratory of UCPel. Experimental validations of sample characterization were performed using the half-value layer (HVL), kerma measurements and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) measures, the first two being validated by simulations. RBS results and imaging tests showed the influence of the granularity of concrete aggregates on the homogeneity and reproducibility of the samples. Application validation was performed by comparing theoretical and simulated spectra, radiation geometry and material characterization. Theoretical and simulated spectra were validated by statistical tests being considered equivalent. Radiation geometry was validated using a viewer and geometry verification tools provided by Geant4. With these results, it is expected to make experimental measures and create simulated transmission curves for radiology and radiotherapy applications.


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How to Cite

Amaral Lourenço, N. ., Hoff, G., Borba, I., Moreira de Pires, M., das Dores do Nascimento, C., Granemann Souza, E., Severo Garcia, T., Trombini, H., & Gustavo Pereira, L. (2021). Uso do Método de Monte Carlo para caracterização adicional de materiais para aplicação em blindagem de fótons. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 15, 610.



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