Proposta de Programa de Garantia da Qualidade para Imagem Molecular Pré-Clínica



Tomografia por Emissão de Pósitron (PET);, Controle de Qualidade (CQ);, NEMA


Small animal positron emission tomography (PET) is used in molecular studies, generating static and/or dynamic images with functional information of animal organs and tissues, to the development of new radiopharmaceuticals or to new applications of traditional radiopharmaceuticals. The National Electrical Manufactures Association (NEMA) published its NU 4-2008 standards, a consistent set of methodologies for measuring scanner performance parameters for small animal PET imaging. In Brazil, there are six PET devices installed which allows to carry out preclinical PET imaging studies. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of these systems is necessary to ensure the quality of images obtained. In Brazil, there is no recommendation or requirement for the execution of a quality assurance program for these imaging centers from regulators bodies – Nuclear Energy National Commission (CNEN) and Agency for Sanitary Vigilance (ANVISA). The general purpose of this work is to implement a quality assurance program in the Molecular Imaging Laboratory (LIM) of the Nuclear Technology Development Center (CDTN) and propose a national standardization. The work was carried out in 3 phases: i) Survey the national scenario regarding the quality control of the molecular image in preclinical PET scanners. ii) Implement a Quality Control Program for LIM / CDTN. iii) Intercomparison between different laboratories. A questionnaire was sent to all services, tests to evaluate the image quality, spatial scattering, sensibility, and resolution using specific simulators as well as sealed radioactive sources. Operating procedures and specific forms were prepared for each test to guide the execution and record acquired data. In addition, the PET scanners from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC-RS) and the University of São Paulo (USP) were also evaluated. First phase revealed that service bosses know the NEMA publication 4-2008 and do not have yet but are interested in implementing the quality assurance program. Second phase demonstrated that LIM / CDTN detection systems have adequate reliability and reproducibility, and the acquired images are compatible with international quality standards for the molecular imaging research. Last phase of this work was the intercomparison between the different laboratories and confirmed that the proposal of national standardization it is important and viable to be presented for regulators bodies.


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How to Cite

Gadelha Gontijo, R. M. (2022). Proposta de Programa de Garantia da Qualidade para Imagem Molecular Pré-Clínica. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 16. Retrieved from



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