Characterization of Acoustic and Mechanical Properties of Tissue-Mimicking Materials by Ultrasound




pulse-echo ultrasound; viscoelastic properties; acoustic properties; longitudinal ultrasonic waves; polymers.


Tissue-mimicking materials of biological tissues are essential in the field of Medical Imaging. These materials are known as phantoms or simulator objects. These phantoms are materials that simulate biological tissues in the interaction of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Thus, it is essential to know about the physical properties of these materials for use in new production and development of materials to employ as simulator objects. In this work, longitudinal ultrasonic waves were applied in a polymer material, looking for mechanical features and acoustic properties through pulse-echo ultrasound. The extraction of these attributes was obtained through a computational algorithm. Thus, an algorithm was developed to obtain the viscous and elastics modulus of the polymer. Were found through data processing: the attenuation coefficient, α = 0,152 dB/cm, and the longitudinal speed, c=1448,60 m/s, value of propagation in the sample. In this way, it was possible to estimate the modulus of storage elasticity and loss of the modulus of longitudinal elasticity, L' = 2,098 GPa e L" = 0,386 MPa and shear, G'= 0,424 GPa e G" = 0,068 MPa. The tangent delta, the volumetric modulus of elasticity, Young's modulus, and the Poisson's ratio were calculated from these. This study showed the possibility of obtaining essential information regarding the mechanical properties of polymers by pulse-echo ultrasound inspection. However, subsequent studies are necessary in order to carry out the validation of this method. For this, the results must be compared with those obtained using another standard technique, such as dynamic-mechanical analysis.


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Author Biographies

Jheferson S. S. Gomes, Universidade Federal de Goiás/Instituto de Física

Concluiu o Ensino Médio no Colégio SESI-SENAI (2011). Ingressou no curso de Bacharelado em Física Médica do Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG (2013). Foi bolsista de Iniciação Científica(IC), do programa institucional Jovens Talentos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal do Ensino Superior 2013-2014. Foi bolsista de Iniciação Científica(IC), programa institucional de bolsa de iniciação científica - PIBIC/PRPI/UFG - CAPES vinculado ao Ministério da Educação (MEC), na área de caracterização de propriedades mecânicas e acústicas por ultrassom 2014-2016. Atualmente é estagiário do Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Centro Oeste (CRCN-CO), no Laboratório de Dosimetria com a Implantação do sistema dosimétrico ambiental na grandeza H*(10).

Sílvio Leão Vieira, Universidade Federal de Goiás - UFG

Sílvio L. Vieira was born in Brazil. From 1996 to 1999, his was a Technology High School student at Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia, graduating in Electronics Technician, Salvador, Bahia. He received his B. S. degree in Physics from Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, in 2003. During his undergraduate He was a condensed matter theorist physicist and worked primarily in nonlinear phenomena of liquid crystal. In 2005 received his M.S. degree and in 2009 received his Ph.D both in Physics Applied to Medicine and Biology from University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. From 2007 to 2008, he participates of a fellowship Ph.D program at Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering from Mayo Clinic Collage of Medicine, Rochester, Minnesota, USA. During that period, as Visiting Graduate Student, he worked on developing of new techniques to measure viscoelastic properties of irradiated phantoms using Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Vibro-acoustography techniques. In 2010, he joined the Institute of Physics from Federal University of Goiás as an Assistant Professor, Goiânia, Goiás. His research interests include ultrasound and magnetic resonance elastography, tissue-mimicking materials & phantoms for ultrasound & magnetic resonance, ultrasound tissue characterization and ultrasound technology for thermometry and hyperthermia.


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How to Cite

S. S. Gomes, J. ., & Vieira, S. L. (2021). Characterization of Acoustic and Mechanical Properties of Tissue-Mimicking Materials by Ultrasound. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 15, 618.



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