Atuação do físico médico e supervisor de proteção radiológica na rotina de um Serviço de Medicina Nuclear

Além dos controles de qualidade




física médica, medicina nuclear, controle de qualidade, proteção radiológica


The present paper made use of bibliographic review of national and international guidelines, rules and legislation, to identify the main duties of the qualified medical physicist and/or radiological protection supervisors working in Nuclear Medicine Facilities in Brazil. Based on what was found, four main axes of action for these professionals were proposed: Quality Control Program for Instrumentation, Individual Monitoring and Dosimetry Program, Management of Sources, Materials and Radioactive Waste and Radiological Protection Training and Education Program. In addition, practical activities relevant to each one of these axes were also discussed. It was concluded that the role of physicists who are also radiological protection supervisors in nuclear medicine goes far beyond quality control in instrumentation. These professionals must be inserted in several flows, so that they can act directly in maintaining high levels of safety, efficiency and reliability of the practices conducted, contributing to the implementation of a comprehensive and effective Quality Assurance Program.


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How to Cite

Molena Seraphim, D. ., Osamu Ohashi, E., & Rodrigues de Pina, D. (2021). Atuação do físico médico e supervisor de proteção radiológica na rotina de um Serviço de Medicina Nuclear: Além dos controles de qualidade. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 15, 640.



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