Desenvolvimento de software através do Pylinac para automatização da análise do Winston-Lutz em EPID e dos testes do isocentro radiativo


  • André Luís Secco Mattesco
  • Diego Cunha Silveira Alves da Silva
  • Gustavo Donisete Fioravante
  • André Vinícius de Camargo



Garantia de qualidade; isocentro; Winston-Lutz; Star shot; software; python.


Stereotatic radiosurgery has been used increasingly beacuse it is a very precise technique for brain treatments, which a large amount of dose is deposited on the target volume. To be able to use this treatment technique it is recommended that the verification of the radiation isocentricity is checked When the technique will be performed. One of the tests that are used for this validation is the Winston-Lutz test, which is possible, athwart images, to identiy if the radiactive isocenter is within the tolerance limits established by equipment enabled to permor special techniques as radiosurgery. Beside this, Other tests can be done for this verification. One of them is the star shot model, in which, through diferente setup arrangements, it is possible to check the isocenters of the main accelerator components: Gantry, collimator, and couch. Although the analysis of the tests can be performed manually, there is a possibility of the user’s inflyence at the momento of analyses. The purpose of the paper were develop software though the Pylinac library so that the analyzes carried out by user are permorm with agility and independente operator, since it is an open source program with no comercial link, the acquisition is accessible to all users who execute the tests and analyses of the Winston-Lutz and star shot tests. However, to ensure the effectiveness and applicability of the software developed, it must validate with cammercially available software or with a comparison of the manual analyses of expert users in the area. The evaluation was performed for Winston-Lutz test using MyQA software and it was found an expressive statistical agreement between both of them.


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How to Cite

Secco Mattesco, A. L. ., Cunha Silveira Alves da Silva, D. ., Donisete Fioravante, G. ., & Vinícius de Camargo, A. . (2021). Desenvolvimento de software através do Pylinac para automatização da análise do Winston-Lutz em EPID e dos testes do isocentro radiativo. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 15, 642.



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