Impact of using different materials on the modulation transfer function in digital radiological images


  • Fabrício Nery Garrafiel Hospital São Lucas da PUCRS
  • Alice Bordignon Vian Hospital São Lucas da PUCRS
  • Dimitri Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS
  • Ana Maria Marques da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS



radiology, quality control, spatial resolution


The advancement of digital radiology has provided a significant improvement in the quality of radiological images. This evolution has brought many benefits for diagnosing images, such as the agility of the process, the improvement of the spatial resolution, the reduction of the necessary exposure time, among others. The latest published work has shown that the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is the most appropriate technique to evaluate the spatial resolution of digital images, as it presents a more accurate quantitative result. This work aims to evaluate the impact of using different materials to determine spatial resolution through MTF. Different thicknesses of aluminum (Al) and copper (Cu) plates were used to acquire an edge image. MTF was evaluated using the Edge Spread Function (ESF) technique using the ImageJ COQ plug-in. It was concluded that a variety of aluminum thicknesses are applicable for determining spatial resolution through MTF, as well as a collimation test plate.


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How to Cite

Nery Garrafiel, F., Bordignon Vian, A., Mantovani, D., & Marques da Silva, A. M. (2021). Impact of using different materials on the modulation transfer function in digital radiological images. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 15, 643.



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