Numeric Dosimetry during a periapical radiography: study by Monte Carlo Simulation




Monte Carlo simulation, radiodiagnosis, intraoral radiography, periapical technique


Radiography is an indispensable tool in dentistry for the visualization of dental and maxillofacial structures. Because it makes roots, dental crowns, and alveolar bone visible, intraoral periapical radiography is unique and crucial for diagnosis and planning. Ionizing radiation exposure, however, carries hazards, particularly for sensitive tissues including the thyroid, salivary glands, and eye lens. The purpose of this work is to use Monte Carlo simulations to compute the conversion coefficients of absorbed dose (CC[D]), in the main angles of the periapical radiography technique, for the major tissues in the head and neck area. The parotid gland, with a CC[D] of 1.53E-1 (0.7%) MeV/g/source-particle, presented the highest values, more than the lens or thyroid, according to our results. The main reason for this being the most exposed structure is its position in relation to the primary beam.


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How to Cite

Machado, A. T., Brilhante Guimarães, G., de Souza Santos, W., Perini, A. P., & Pereira Neves, L. (2024). Numeric Dosimetry during a periapical radiography: study by Monte Carlo Simulation. Brazilian Journal of Medical Physics, 18, 810.



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